Customer Testimonials

Jim and I would just like to send you this little note to say “Thank you!” Your staff has been personable and respectful to all our employees. Their work has been exemplary. Please pass along this message.

Thanks again for your service and commitment to Delta!

Anthony R. Paniccia, PE, JD

I just wanted to touch base with you and say a huge THANK YOU for sending Teri our way. Things have never looked better around The Eaton Center in the last 3 years that I have been working here. I am very happy with how she is staying in touch with me and working on any issues to keep us and the tenants happy and clean.

The staff she is supervising always seem to have a smile on their face and enjoy their jobs and that looks great for when they run into the public and tenants around the building. She has taken the time to learn her way around the building, modified the cleaning worksheets your staff use and that will make training any new cleaners easier should we need to in the future.

I wanted to make sure her hard work does not go unnoticed because she is truly and asset to your company and we are thrilled to have her running our account.


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